So, a somewhat newer catch phase we hear as women who work with birth is - evidence based. I personally have nothing against evidence. But at the same time I often wonder...we encourage women to listen to their inner self and use their intution - not only while pregnant and in labor but as mothers as well. But do we really follow that ourselves? Do we really need a study to know - intuitively - that it makes sense to be upright in labor? Do we really need a study to know that breastfeeding is best for not only baby but mother as well? That babies do best when not seperated from their mothers? How many times have we used evidence only to feel intuitively that it was not right for ourselves?
A very wise midwife once told me she doesn't have time to conduct a study - she is too busy taking care of women. So should I dismiss what she has to say and what she knows after doing this work for almost 60 years? She said she gathers her information by watching, listening and observing and then stores it for later use. Very wise indeed.
What I am saying here is use the evidence to your advantage - but don't disregard what feels right just because a study does not exist to prove it works. Happy birthing!
I've heard a lot of doctors use that same line- I don't have time to conduct a study... Except, they are using it as an excuse to perform some silly "routine" like an episiotomy. Because, in their eyes, a baby could never come out that tiny little hole without tearing it to shreds, so we should just cut it and open it a little bigger...And doesn't continuous fetal monitoring make everything safer? That seems intuitive, right? Its a double edged sword, unfortunately!